Exercise Science
Transform your passion for health and fitness into a career as an exercise specialist, an exercise physiologist, a strength coach, a personal trainer, a cardiac rehab specialist or a fitness director. Our curriculum emphasizes multiple aspects of Exercise Science: strength training; injury management; exercise assessment; exercise prescription; exercise physiology; sports nutrition, and; exercise science research. Exercise Science majors acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities to sit for multiple gold-standard professional certifications, depending upon career aspirations to train persons one-on-one or instruct groups of people. Certified professionals develop and implement safe and effective exercise and sport training programs, and modify them to meet the specific goals of clients, patients, athletes, or industry specialists (e.g. police, firefighters, military).
Program Overview
The Exercise Science curriculum prepares student to sit for, and pass, certification exams from the most recognized authority organizations in the exercise and sport training world today:
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
- ACSM Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT)
- ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor (ACSM-GEI)
- ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP)
The National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)
- NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
- NSCA Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
- NSCA Certified Special Populations Specialist (CSPS)
- NSCA Tactical Strength & Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F)
Students are educated in small classes, receive substantial one-on-one time with faculty, and acquire methodologic expertise using top-of-the-line exercise and assessment equipment. In addition to their didactic training, students also must complete a practical component of the curriculum by accruing 500 total experiential hours (re: observation, work, internship) during their undergraduate years in various clinical, industrial, wellness, fitness, and athletic environments.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of:
- Patient pre-participation health screening, risk classification, and evaluation
- The benefits and risks associated with physical activity
- Health-related physical fitness testing, interpretation, and exercise prescription in the healthy population
- Behavioral theories and strategies for promoting exercise and health
- Demonstrate proficiency in research methodology and scientific writing
- BIO 240/241: Human Anatomy/Physiology I & Lab (Prerequisite of BIO 120/121 or 130/131 and Elective Courses)
- BIO 250/251: Human Anatomy/Physiology II & Lab
- SPMD 162: Intro to Sports Medicine
- SPMD 205/206: Exercise Assessment I & Lab
- PMD 370/371: Strength Training and Program Design & Lab
- SPMD 380/381: Exercise Physiology & Lab
Required Core Courses
Elective Courses
Students who wish to complete a minor in Exercise Science must choose three additional courses from the Sports Medicine Department offerings. Note: some of these courses may have prerequisite requirements.
Clinical Observation Requirements
Fifty hours of documented observation with Exercise Science professionals who hold any ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) or NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Association) credential.
Admissions Requirements
The minor student must have written approval from the Sports Medicine department chairperson and the Undergraduate Exercise Science program director. The student must have a minimum 2.65 GPA to qualify. Application for this minor should occur in the sophomore year.
Robert Chetlin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Office: McAuley 103
Meet the Faculty
Exercise Science

Jan Haas
Dean, School of the Health Professions, Director, Physical Therapist Assistant programs, Assistant Professor