Expressive Therapies
An Expressive Therapies minor provides students with an introductory course in expressive therapies, psychology coursework, and coursework in their creative discipline interest of art, art therapy, theatre, dance, and music to further knowledge of the benefits of creative modalities. This minor compliments those pursuing majors in the helping professions and provides prerequisites for students to pursue graduate studies in expressive Art Therapy fields.
Course Requirements
- ARTH 125: Intro to Expressive Therapies (3 credits)
- PSYC 101: Intro to Psychology (3 credits)
- One developmental psychology course (3 credits):
- PSYC 241: Developmental Psychology: Childhood,
- PSYC 242: Developmental Psychology: Adolescence, or
- PSYC 142: Lifespan Development
- PSYC 211: Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
- COM 210: Mindful Communication (3 credits), ARTH 275: Group Practices (3 credits), or SOC 204: Diversity in Society (3 credits)
- And a least two courses in creative fields or modalities with prefixes ART, ARTH, THEA, DANC, MUS (6 credits) (At least one should be a 200-level or higher)
Learning Outcomes
- Preparing students with foundational knowledge in the expressive therapy fields, presenting options for career paths in the helping professions, and providing pre-requisite courses to enter graduate study.
- Presenting therapeutic qualities through expressive therapies' origins, histories, occupational applications, and therapeutic approaches.
- Exploring creative methods and modalities that lend themselves to supporting wellness and psychological growth, as well as use in community and therapeutic settings.
- Realizing the factors that can encourage therapeutic engagement in various art forms through expressive therapy experientials, discussion, historical reference, service-learning opportunities, and acquired knowledge assessment.
Expressive Therapies

Brittany Barko Krugger, M.M., MT-BC, NMT
Director, Music Therapy Program; Assistant Professor; Director of Liturgical Music